Nate's Programming Blog

James had mentioned a couple of weeks ago that there was a guy (Alessandro Fulciniti) that discovered a way to get rounded corners without images. I was very interested because I don’t like the idea of having a bunch of images that’s only purpose it is control layout ie. rounded corner images. So I got online and found the website. It uses javascript and css to round the corners. I used to be very anti javascript, where if there was a way to do it without javascript I would rather do it that way, but recently I have been going back to the idea of javascript isn’t that bad as long as you can make it compatible in most browsers. The solution that I found was compatible in most browsers, but didn’t work in IE 5. Then James mentioned that he found another site where Alessandro Fulciniti had added additional functionality to Nifty Corners and made it compatible in more browsers. I decided to implement it on natesprogramming and I really like the results. It is clean and no unneeded images!

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