Nate's Programming Blog

I have been very bad to my blog. I got it back up and running a few months ago, but I’ve been so preoccupied with family and everything else that I have not been keeping it up-to-date. It appears that while I was neglecting my blog I managed to get fingered by google. This is something that I have been waiting for for awhile and it finally happened and I didn’t even know it. Of course getting out there also means that I am now more acceptable to spam. I just spent the last 30 minutes filtering out all the spam comments that have been posted over the last few months 🙁 I know now to keep my eye on my blog to make sure I keep the spam under control. The filters should help as well.

Anyway, I appologize to anyone who has posted a question and has not received some kind of response. I hope to keep an eye on comments here on out to make sure I reply to anyone who has a question about anything I post.

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