Nate's Programming Blog

I was surfing cable last night and discovered a movie called “Before Sunrise.” It had Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, so I thought I would give it a try. It turned out to be one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. How in the world did this movie get by under the radar? How could it be that I had never heard of this movie before last night?

It starts out with Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) riding on a train in Europe and when this German couple keeps arguing and fighting right next to Celine, she decides to move to the seat across the aisle from Jesse. They then start talking and when they reach Jesse’s stop in Vienna he decides to ask Celine to get off the train with him and spend the rest of the night talking with him. Celine agrees and they end up falling in love talking about philosophy, love and romance all night.

I think the reason that I love this movie so much is because it just seems real. The characters are very believable and you really feel like you are there with these 2 people discovering each other. It really plays on the idealistic view of love and a lot of the realities that come in to play that people don’t think about when they are in the moment.

After watching the movie I got a huge urge to see the follow up which was released last year, mainly because I wanted to see what happened to Celine and Jesse. Ironically it was on this evening on cinemax. It did a extremely good job of picking up where the other one left off and giving you the feeling that these 2 people were still in the moment, even though it was 9 years later. I have purchased both of these movies and am waiting for their delivery.

Allison watched the second half of both movies with me and mentioned afterwards that she wished our relationship could be like that. I then told her that it was when we first met. The first night that we really got to know each other, Mark and I had a party and invited Allison and some other friends over. Everyone else got drunk and passed out, but Allison and I jumped the fence and sat by the pool talking all night long. The conversations in the movie reminded me a lot of our conversations that night. It made me think about what Celine and Jesse would be like if they had gotten together and learned everything about each other. Would they still be the giddy infatuated couple they were in the movie?

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